Joey Embanato has worked in the medical field for 30 years. He now oversees the day-to-day operations of the Alli Anesthesia teams at St. Francis Medical Center, P&S Surgery and Heart Center, and Monroe Surgical Hospital.
He attended nursing school at the University of Arkansas where he received a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. After graduation, Joey joined the open-heart surgical team at St. Francis Medical Center and also served as a critical care flight nurse for the hospital.
In 2000, Joey moved to Pittsburgh, PA to attend LaRoche College/Allegheny Valley School of Anesthesia. He completed his residency training as a CRNA, received a Master of Science in Anesthesia, and returned to Monroe. Joey worked as the Chief CRNA at Morehouse General Hospital for five years before joining the Alli Anesthesia group at P&S Surgery and Heart Center and Monroe Surgical Hospital.
Joey served as president of the school board of Jesus the Good Shepherd School for six years. He donates time in the community by volunteering with the Monroe Youth Baseball Association and serving on their board of directors. Joey also coaches multiple children's sports teams.